星期一至星期五 早上:09:00-下午:17:00
莊慧文 |
。專家姓名 | 莊慧文 | 。性別 | 女 |
。服務單位 | 國立嘉義大學 | 。系 所(組) | 生物農業科技學系 |
。電話 | 05-2717756 | hwchuang@mail.ncyu.edu.tw | |
。職稱 | 教授 | ||
。學歷 | 美國德州農工大學遺傳學博士 | ||
。經歷 |
2015-迄今 國立嘉義大學教授 2011-2015 國立嘉義大學副教授 2004-2011 國立嘉義大學助理教授 2003-2004 亞洲基因科技有限公司研發部副主任 2002-2003 美國明尼蘇達大學博士後研究 1997-2002 美國德州農工大學博士後研究 |
。專長領域 | 生物性農業資材 | ||
。目前研究技術領域說明 | |||
生物活性物及益生菌在農業上的應用 發表相關文件 1. Andi Kurniawan, Huey-wen Chuang* (2021, Aug). Rhizobacterial Bacillus mycoides functions in stimulating the antioxidant defence system and multiple phytohormone signalling pathways to regulate plant growth and stress tolerance. J Appl Microbiol. , 00: 1-15. (SCI). 2. Nur Izzatul Maulidah, Tong-Seung Tseng, Guan-Hong Chen, Hsin-Yi Hsieh, Shu-Fen Chang, Huey-wen Chuang* (2021, Jul). Transcriptome analysis revealed cellular pathways associated with abiotic stress tolerance and disease resistance induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in banana plants. Plant Gene, 27, 100321. (SCI) 3. Chuang, H.W.*, Tseng, T.S., Hsieh, H.Y., Kao, T.C., Chen, G.H. (2020, Dec). Common cellular events implicated in regulation of cold stress tolerance and soft rot resistance induced by metabolites of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Phalaenopsis orchids.. Advanced Chemicobiology Research, 1, 5. 4. Windy Manullang, Huey-wen Chuang* (2020, May). Streptomyces sp. mitigates abiotic stress response and promotes plant growth. Journal of Plant Protection Research, 60, 263–274. (SCI) 5. Pinyapach Sukkasem, Andi Kurniawan, Tzu-Chuan Kao, Huey-wen Chuang⁎ (2018, Aug). A multifaceted rhizobacterium Bacillus licheniformis functions as a fungal antagonist and a promoter of plant growth and abiotic stress tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 155, 541-551. |
。輔導業界產學合作經歷成果簡述 | |||
1.LED混光應用於菊花電照效應研究 2.應用大豆胜肽於促進作物生長之研究 3.面光源式平板植物燈 4.陽田枯草桿菌1號菌種及促進植物生長功能分析 5.測試植物蛋白水解物對植物生長的影響 |
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